Lecture Podcast—English L'Abri
English L'Abri
Aren't They All Just Dead White Males? (Peter Merz)

Aren't They All Just Dead White Males? (Peter Merz)

Why read the Classics?

The books known as ‘the classics’ can seem intimidating, boring or culturally oppressive. However, they tend to represent the most psychologically and thematically complex, as well as the most technically accomplished and aesthetically satisfying, depictions of the reality in which we find ourselves. In spending time with these works throughout our lives, they and their authors become our teachers and friends, as we participate in ‘the great conversation’ that has been going on for centuries. We can receive solace, goodness, beauty, truth, growth in empathy for others, and experience delight and enjoyment. In pointing us toward that which is real, they can help to point us to God.

This lecture is also available on all major podcasting platforms!

Lecture Podcast—English L'Abri
English L'Abri
Lectures old and new from workers and guest lecturers at English L'Abri, a residential study center and community open to guests seeking a welcoming place to ask life’s many questions. For more information, visit englishlabri.org