Lecture Podcast—English L'Abri
English L'Abri
King Arthur and the Dangerous Dream of Christendom (Caleb Woodbridge, Writer & Editor)

King Arthur and the Dangerous Dream of Christendom (Caleb Woodbridge, Writer & Editor)

According to the legends, King Arthur was the Christian king of a Christian kingdom. But as the story has been retold in a post-Christendom culture, that's often been radically reinvented. How can the legend of Arthur help us think about the tension between the two cities, the city of man and city of God? How does the Arthurian mythos give us an index of changing attitudes to Christendom? From Geoffrey of Monmouth to recent retellings,the story of Arthur can both inspire us with dreams of a better kingdom, and warn us of the dangers of confusing earthly and heavenly kingdoms.

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Lecture Podcast—English L'Abri
English L'Abri
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