Lecture Podcast—English L'Abri
English L'Abri
Literary Analysis and the Gospel of John: What Is Happening? (Dirk Jongkind)

Literary Analysis and the Gospel of John: What Is Happening? (Dirk Jongkind)

The Gospel of John has been analysed with the help of literary categories more than any other book of the New Testament. Literary criticism is not so much about the good story, but about how the story is told. Looking at John through a literary filter shows features that would have been easily missed otherwise. In this lecture, we will develop some of the literary concepts and see how they work in reading John.

Lecture Podcast—English L'Abri
English L'Abri
Lectures old and new from workers and guest lecturers at English L'Abri, a residential study center and community open to guests seeking a welcoming place to ask life’s many questions. For more information, visit englishlabri.org