Lecture Podcast—English L'Abri
English L'Abri
Remember the Lord, your God (Lili Reichow - L'Abri workers South Brazil)

Remember the Lord, your God (Lili Reichow - L'Abri workers South Brazil)

Reflections on memory and faith

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How often do we forget who God is, what He has done, and what He has promised to those who love Him. To be able to remember the Lord seems essential to a healthy Christian life. In this talk, we will reflect on how memory and faith intersect, as we seek to grow in the knowledge of our God.

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Lecture Podcast—English L'Abri
English L'Abri
Lectures old and new from workers and guest lecturers at English L'Abri, a residential study center and community open to guests seeking a welcoming place to ask life’s many questions. For more information, visit englishlabri.org